Subject: Channels of Distribution

Channel decisions are among the most critical decisions facing management. The company's chosen channels intimately affect other marketing decisions. The company's pricing depends on whether it uses mass merchandisers or high-quality boutiques. The firm's sales force and advertising decisions depend on how much training and motivation the channel partner requires. In addition, the company's channel decisions involve relatively long-term commitments to other firms. When an automobile manufacturer signs up independent dealers sell its automobiles, the manufacturer cannot buy them out the next day and replace them with company-owned outlets.

Thus, there is a powerful initial tendency in channel arrangements. Therefore management must choose channels with an eye on tomorrow's likely selling environment as well as today's. This is an important area in Supply Chain Management as it determines the level of integration within the logistics pipeline.


This subject aims to apprise participants of the industry's newest developments in products and technology. To help participants achieve a high degree of effectiveness within the logistics industry by providing a command of a range of relevant skills and talents to complement their experience in the field.


Includes key topics like:

  • Nature and scope of retailing
  • Retain methods of operation
  • Consumer behaviour
  • Merchandise management
  • Planning and control
  • Functions of wholesalers
  • Wholesaling-supplies, relationships and strategies
  • Physical distribution systems
  • Nature & User of elements of physical distribution systems
  • Organisation and planning


Copyright 2007 by Vietnam Institute of Logistics.